Rules for buying and selling goods in the store

1. General rules

1.The rules of this electronic shop (hereinafter – the Rules) are a legally binding document for the Buyer and the Seller (hereinafter – the Seller) when purchasing goods at the online shop, which sets out the rights and obligations to the Parties.

2. UAB Rpack, legal entity code – 305642086, registered office address – Birželio 23-ios g. 23F, Kaunas LT50220, Kaunas (hereinafter – Seller), rules for buying and selling goods at the online shop (hereinafter – Online shop) (hereinafter – Rules) regulates the mutual rights, duties and responsibilities of the Seller in the Online Shop and the person purchasing goods at the Online Shop (hereinafter – the Buyer), when the Buyer purchases goods at the Online Shop.

3. The Seller reserves the right to change, amend or supplement these Rules at any time. The Buyer is informed about changes in the Rules on the website of the online shop.

4. By agreeing to the Rules, the buyer confirms that he/she has the right to buy goods at the online shop.

5. The right to buy in the Internet Store is available to persons who are able according to the Civil Code of the Republic of Lithuania.

2. Purchase-sale contract/agreement

1. The purchase-sale agreement between the Buyer and the Seller is considered concluded when the Buyer forms and submits an order for goods at the online shop, having previously familiarized himself/herself with these rules.

2. Each purchase-sale contract concluded between the Buyer and the Seller is registered and stored at the database of the online shop.

3. All contracts on the online shop between the Buyer and the Seller are concluded in electronic/digital form, using means of communication. When concluding contracts, the Seller and the Buyer rely on the Decree of the Minister of Economy of the Republic of Lithuania in 2011. December 23 by order no. 4-959 approved rules for the sale of goods and provision of services when contracts are concluded using means of communication, as well as other legal acts of the Republic of Lithuania.

3. Seller’s Rights

3.1. In the event of important circumstances, the Seller may temporarily or completely suspend the operation of the online shop without notifying the Buyer in advance.

3.2. If the Buyer tries to harm the work, stability and security of the online shop or violates his obligations, the Seller has the right to limit or suspend his access to the online shop without warning.

4. Seller’s Obligations

4.1. The seller undertakes to make it possible to use the services of the online shop, the operating conditions of which are determined by these Rules.

4.2. The Seller undertakes to deliver the goods purchased by the Buyer by the delivery method chosen by the Buyer, based on the conditions set by the Purchase – Sale Rules.

4.3. When, due to unforeseen circumstances, the Seller cannot deliver the goods ordered at the online shop, the Seller has the right to terminate the Purchase-Sale Agreement after notifying the buyer beforehand. The seller can offer a similar product. If the buyer refuses, the seller undertakes to return the money paid within 14 working days.

4.4. After the buyer uses Rule 5.2. according to the right provided for in paragraph 1, the Seller undertakes to return the money paid to the Buyer within 14 (fourteen) working days from the day of receipt of the returned goods.

4.5. The Seller may not refund the amount paid to the Buyer until the goods are returned to the Seller or until the Buyer provides proof that the goods have been sent to the Seller, whichever occurs first.

4.6. In all cases, only after receiving the payment for the goods, the formation of the goods parcel begins and the calculation of the delivery term of the goods begins.

5. Buyer’s rights

5.1. The buyer has the right to purchase goods at the online shop in accordance with these Rules.

5.2. The buyer has the right to withdraw from the contract for the purchase and sale of goods concluded at the online shop, by notifying the Seller in writing by e-mail to within 7 (seven) calendar days from the day of delivery of the goods.

5.3. The Buyer can apply the Buyer’s right discussed in point 5.2 only if the product has not been damaged or its appearance has not fundamentally changed, and if it has not been used, the amount of paint/varnish/primer cannot be less than the specified original amount.

6. Buyer’s obligations

6.1. The buyer must pay for the purchased goods and the delivery cost and accept them in accordance with the procedure provided in the Rules.

6.2. If the Buyer, during the delivery of the goods, refuses to accept the goods without good reasons, the Buyer must cover the costs of returning the goods at the Seller’s request.

6.3. During the delivery of the goods to the Buyer, the Buyer must check the condition of the shipment and the goods(s) together with the Seller or the person who delivered the shipment.

6.4. By using the online shop, the buyer confirms that he agrees with these rules of purchase and sale and must comply with them.

7. Prices of goods

7.1. The prices of goods at the online shop are indicated in euros. Prices include VAT. After order confirmation, the delivery fee, if applicable, is added to the total amount of the goods.

8. Ordering and payment

8.1. After visiting the online shop, the buyer chooses the products he/she likes and puts them in the shopping cart. After creating the shopping cart, the Buyer enters the personal data necessary to fulfill the order: his name, surname, address where the goods will be delivered, telephone number and additional information that may be important for the delivery of the ordered goods. The buyer confirms that he has read these rules and confirms the order.

8.3. The buyer settles for the goods by paying for them using his electronic banking and Visa / MasterCard payment cards. Settlements are possible in euro currency. Payments are processed using the payment platform.

9. Delivery of the goods

1. When ordering goods, the buyer must specify the exact delivery address of the purchase. . 2. The buyer must accept the goods himself. If the Buyer cannot accept the goods himself, but the goods are delivered to the address specified by the Buyer, the Buyer does not have the right to make claims regarding the delivered goods to the wrong person.

3. The seller delivers the goods to the Buyer at the specified address, usually within 2 or 3 working days from the receipt of payment for the goods and transportation of the goods.

4. If the goods will not be accepted by the Buyer, the Buyer must specify the data of the person who will accept the goods when filling in the delivery information of the order.

5. The characteristics of all goods sold are indicated in the description attached to each item. The seller is not responsible for the fact that the colour, shape or other parameters of the goods on the online shop may not correspond to the real size, shape and colour of the goods due to the characteristics of the monitor used by the Buyer.

6. If the Buyer cancels the goods purchase-sale agreement, all amounts paid by the Buyer are returned to the Buyer, including the costs of the delivery of the goods paid by the Buyer.

7. When ordering goods, the buyer can choose to pick up the goods at the pick-up address specified on the website, or order delivery of the goods under the conditions specified in the offer to the address specified by the buyer throughout Lithuania, or pick up the goods at one of the branches of the Lithuanian Post Office.

8. Purchased goods are delivered by the Seller or his authorised representative. The exact delivery price depends on the weight and price of the ordered goods or is free after informing the Seller.

9. After the buyer or his representative accepts the shipment and signs the delivery confirmation provided by the representative of the transport company “without additional notes”, it is considered that the goods have been delivered in the undamaged package of the shipment, the quantity, quality, and assortment of the goods comply with the terms of the purchase and sale agreement, and the additional services specified in the delivery confirmation have been properly performed .

10. During the delivery of the package, the Buyer or his representative must check the condition of the package, the quantity, quality and assortment of the goods together with the representative of the transport company. If a damage of the package of the shipment, a discrepancy in the quantity, quality, or assortment of the goods is found, the Buyer or his representative must not accept the shipment. In this case, the representative of the transport company, together with the Buyer or his representative, fills out a special shipment inspection report, which indicates the damage found.

11. If the goods are not delivered on the scheduled day of delivery, the Buyer must inform the Seller, but no later than the next day after the scheduled day of delivery of the goods.

12. The ordered goods must be picked up no later than within 3 (three) working days, calculated from the Seller’s confirmation that the order is already in the Lithuanian Post office and can be picked up.

10. Return of goods

10.1. Quality goods can be returned within 14 days of receipt. Defects of sold low-quality goods are eliminated, low-quality goods are exchanged, returned in accordance with the provisions of the Civil Code of the Republic of Lithuania.

10.2. The following conditions must be met when returning goods:

10.2.1. The returned item must be in its original, neat packaging (this clause does not apply in the case of returning a defective item);

10.2.2. The product must be undamaged by the Buyer;

10.2.3. The product must be unused, without losing its commercial appearance: intact label, untorn protective film, etc. (this clause does not apply in case of returning a defective product); 10.2.4. The returned product must be in the same package as the one received by the Buyer (this clause does not apply in the case of a defective product being returned);

10.2.5. The Seller has the right to refuse to accept the goods returned by the Buyer if the conditions for returning the goods were not met;

10.2.6. The return of the goods is carried out in the manner determined by the Seller within 14 (fourteen) days from the day of receipt of the goods (this clause does not apply in the case when the goods are of poor quality – in such a case, the return of the goods is carried out within the statutory warranty period);

10.3. The return and exchange of goods of suitable quality is carried out in accordance with Article 6.22810, Part 1 of the Civil Code;

10.4. The money to pay for goods accepted by the Buyer, but later refused, is returned to the Buyer’s account via

14 working days.

11. Information notices

1. The Seller sends all notifications to the e-mail address provided by the Buyer.

2. The buyer sends all messages and questions to the contacts specified in the “Contacts” section of the Seller’s online store

12. Final Provisions

11.1. These Rules are drawn up in accordance with the legal acts of the Republic of Lithuania.

11.2. These Rules and relations between the Parties in relation to these Rules are applied and interpreted based on the laws of the Republic of Lithuania.

11.3. All disagreements arising from the implementation of these Rules shall be resolved through negotiations. If an agreement cannot be reached, disputes are resolved in accordance with the procedure established by the laws of the Republic of Lithuania.

11.4. The Parties are released from fulfilling their obligations under these Rules if they cannot be fulfilled due to unforeseen circumstances beyond the control of the Parties (Force major).